Moving or Transferring a Domain Name to Click IT Hosting

In order to move a domain to Click IT Hosting, the following information is needed:

1) Tell us where your domain is currently hosted. This is typically a Domain Registrar. Please provide the name or website address: ie.

2) Login Credentials. This is typically a Username and Password.

3) The PIN or security information, if it was provided with your account information by the Domain Registrar.

4) The current website's login URL address: ie. which is typical if a WordPress website.

5) The website's login credentials, which typically is just a Username and Password.

6) Please also provide any contact information of anyone currently involved in the management of your website or web presence, such as a marketing manager.


We've created a form to make this easy. Simply fill this form out and send it to Click IT, and we will do the rest: Click Here.

Email and Domain Information Form:!AtpUhTAovQsvhq0o6wOmFFM_WfWKNw?e=GJOJFw